Monday, August 31, 2009

The Posts Will Begin

OK, I must start by apologizing I know this new blog has been a long time coming. Well, sit back and relax as it is finally here and will be updated regularly. I have thought about it and have decided to post every week. I am thinking Monday and if that does not work it will definitely be on Tuesday. I will post regularly once a week unless there is something really fun and exciting that goes on then I might post more then just once a week so I do not forget to tell you about any of the fun. With that said, if you check every Monday you might want to make sure you did not miss any thing if other posts were made.

Getting to the good stuff, Mikayla...

Mikayla is getting along great. She is becoming so bonded so quickly it is unbelievable. She is learning her signing like a pro. We will soon start her back with keeping her Chinese up also. She is so smart, some times too smart for her own good. She is constantly testing both mom and dad and being stubborn and bullheaded as the head reading stated. If you did not hear we were told the two circles or cow-licks at the back of her head in a Chinese Reading means she will be or should I say is stubborn and bullheaded. I thought, couldn't they tell me this before I agreed to accept her as ours... Just Kidding I love her all the more... dad says she fits right in with her mommy but I am not sure what he is talking about. :) She has been out to eat twice and does very well. She eats everything. There is nothing that we can find that she dislikes as of yet. She is pretty much on a regular schedule as far as sleeping and napping, etc as long as I do not have running to do, which of course is understandable. She has learned to push the boys away when they are smothering and they are taking it like they should. We have not done a whole lot since being home other then out to eat and her meeting people on a regular basis. And I must add that the questions and comments along with how I should be taking care and raising Mikayla has begun. My favorite question was "Ah, is this your Granddaughter she is so cute" I said "Thanks, she is our daughter" without skipping a beat, to which they said, "OH!" You know they felt about the size of an ant. I just would love to hear the comments and all if we do this again (mind you it will most likely not be China again due to wait times and nothing has been decided yet). Mikayla is quite fond of Kelly which is in some of the photos on the last site. Kelly is becoming quite helpful to me when I need a break in entertaining or the boys have to much energy. Kelly helps push the stroller, while I get walked by the boys and everyone is happy. She is now slowing making friends with the neighbors, Joey and Abbey. Abbey is close to her age and Joey is a bit older but still young enough to play with them. She has had a short play date here at the house with another adoptee from China that is just 2 months older and about 2 inches taller. Anna Belle came home to her forever family shortly before Mikayla did. Mikayla and Anna Belle did OK when they acknowledged each other but Mikayla was not too keen on sharing her toys or snacks yet. This will come in time and we will work on. I am currently looking into Gymnastics for my little monkey and classes are starting in September which is just around the corner. I know you will want to keep following to learn more on how high my monkey can climb and how fast she can swing. We would like to also check into swimming as she seems like she has fish in her blood but have not found a place to take her age. If anyone has any info on that I would love to hear from you. Well that is pretty much all I have for now. Catch you next Monday if not before. Thanks for keeping in touch with the blog it is a pleasure to do it for you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Coming Really Soon!!!

This blog is in the works and will be set up very soon. :)