Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ok I Tried

This water fountain is Cool!!!

Just relaxing by the fire.

He feels just like a dog!

Are you sure he won't bite?

He better not bite me!

That's one big bird!

You mean we can't eat these?

Look I can touch it!!

I pray they make me MORE Beautiful, like that's possible!!!

Owning the house and waiting for my haircut

One wrong move and I am driving out of here!

I'm warning you!!!!

I can see again, thank you, thank you, thank you

Caught with my pants down. Opps!

BIG Girls Don't Cry, I'm a big girl, I'm a big girl, I'm a big girl

OK, I tried to get out some this week. We did not do too much but we did venture to the Station Casino just for some walking and to see if anything new was going on there (no nothing was new). We also took Mikayla to the Bass Pro Shop in St Charles which of course was nothing like the one at The Mills but there were some animals and fish for her to enjoy. We also had our very first haircut and I got a pic of one of her vaccinations, both went over without a single tear... that is correct no tears and no hassles. Two days after her shot she did run a bit of a fever and her leg was sore so much she walked like she had a dead leg but other than being clingy the day of the fever she was a trooper. Next week maybe a special one, even with Daddy going off to Germany. Mommy and Mikayla, might, and that is a might, venture to visit some friends that were made on our China trip and also visit some family that she has never met as of yet. We will see how that all pans out and keep you all informed of course. Take Care and Blessings to All! PS: note there is also one video attached. Sorry I deleted the video due to malfunction. I am not sure what the issue is as the blog will not let me post video. Until I find out why I guess I will have to refrain from posting any. Sorry guys.

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