Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Slow Week In Mikaylaville

Can you guess what is wrong with this picture???

Why be like every other dog... I like to be different and sit on my butt like a human!

I like to sleep like a King...

Hey! Do you mind? I am trying to sleep up here. With all that flashing I might lose my balance.

Louie: Jake is a butt, Jake is a butt, Jake is a...

Hey! Stop with the pics I'm having a bad hair day

Look I have pretty hair now!

What do you mean you dont like it, it took me all day????

Like the heading says, it has been a slow week. I think the cold is taking its toll. I remember every winter why I moved to Florida... I hate the cold. It starts out okay and the snow is even okay but it just seems like the cold days last forever and the warm days are few and fly by. G talks about moving to Colorado every now and then, but I am thinking more and more that is not a good thing... shoot cold days to me are like rainy days and Mondays. Now, Hawaii or Florida that is another thing but there is also the reason I left Florida and the same reason would hold true for Hawaii also if not more so there. One of the reasons was the Hurricanes there and being so close to the water all around you. Enough about me that is not what this blog is about is it? I have posted some pics for you and even posted a trivia question for you with one of the pics... Lets see if anyone can post a comment with the answer to the question and see how well you guys know the family and actually read the posts or just look at the pics. Any questions for hints or otherwise are welcome but I can not guarantee you will like my answers :) Have fun and catch you next week.


  1. I thought you said in your email that we were getting a video this week.

    Is Louie in Jake's cage?

  2. that is Jakes crate! or is it Mikayla's play house?
