Monday, October 3, 2011


Outside on the frogs everyone just has to sit on

Inside the kids area of the zoo.  They actually got in trouble for making too much noise banging with the tools they provide for fixing...hmmm

 I love this pic he was eating from the tree that was so close
Off to school to have fun.  By the way Daddy hates this jacket and mommy don't care, its just a jacket.  It was a hand me down from a friend.

Today is the day it is Mikayla's very first day of Preschool.  She was excited and so was mommy.  She was slow eating breakfast but mommy showed her how fast she can dress Mikayla.  Mikayla then was so excited she got to take her lunchbox (that matches her dance class roller back pack) to school.  It was mommy's tactic to make it more exciting to go and it worked.  As soon as she got to school she whipped off her coat and was ready to go even before getting to her classroom.  Once she got to her classroom she was shown her cubby area and was quick to put her coat in and hang her bag and quickly found a spot to start playing.  Mommy talked briefly to the teacher and off I was back home to feed the boys, do laundry for Daddy who is getting ready to head to Virginia then off to take the boys for a stroll.  Followed by a trip to the Chiro.....hmmm I don't get it my day is still the same even with Mikayla at school.   What happened to all those people telling me my life will change and I will have more time for ME when she goes to school???  I didn't find it today.  Maybe I will find it sometime Monday through Friday from 8-1 in the next year or two.  Other pics posted are from a trip to the Zoo with her bud Olivia.  Post more soon.  Love you guys,   AJ

PS Chrissy if you get a sec sometime soon I would love to chat with you via phone about a few things I think you can help me with.   Give me a call either cell or home where ever you can find me.  Thanks

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