Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baby Birds Rising

The 3 growing baby robins this one always has his eye on me

The pretty Cardinal posing for us

Daddy teaching her to be a pro

This face was when she was complaining about something ... the grass being to tall or something

Aren't they cute?!?

I am sorry but they both look like they have the same expression to me...too funny

Lets see if we can poke out an eye watch out Louie looks like he can attack at any time.

It is definitely 3 baby robins in that little nest. We watch momma feeding the babies constantly and they are growing fast as you can see. I even got the great video of momma feeding and cleaning the nest. We thought we had a beautiful guard on duty but come to find our lovely Cardinal just wanted to pose for us. With the mornings so sunny and warm Mikayla and the boys and I have been able to get out and play a bit. Even Daddy got in the act teaching Mikayla to be the Golf Pro... I am not sure Louie was too keen on been home bound outside. Beware though those Boxers can be really mean if you try to poke their eyes out as you can see Louie biting Mikayla's arm off in the pic. What gets me is some times it just looks like they have the same facial expressions....too funny. As of yesterday evening we have a new baby ... a baby bunny left alone. I hoped mom would come to warm him last night. I know she was around but baby was still alone in the morning. I am leaving alone again tonight. If he is still a survivor in the morning I think I might attempt taking him under my wing we will see.


  1. I love watching your baby grow!!

  2. I don't know why you can not read my post I can see it!!!
